You may have noticed when you check out of online shops, there is a box for a promotion or a voucher code. Most shops and services have them nowadays as competition is getting stiffer and shoppers are getting smarter in finding the best price. Whenever you want to buy something online, it is probably worth checking if you can get some money off the price by using a discount voucher for that shop. So how do you find and these discount voucher codes?
You can find these codes on free stuff sites or internet shopping forums. There are many of these sites online; you just have to search for them. Always make sure you are finding the right site which has the up to date voucher code. After checking the expiry dates try and apply it at the check out to see if you get a new total with the money off. Sometimes some vouchers may not work and you may need to try a different one.
One thing you need to make sure when you put these discount voucher and coupon codes in the check out is to see if there is an "update price" or a similar button so it applies the discount to your purchase.
If you are a regular shopper, you can join one of the established free stuff sites where you can find the latest free samples and freebies. Just make sure you only sign up to the reliable sites and do not go on a sign up spree, as some websites who don’t have a proper privacy policy can bombard you with emails.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Why use discount vouchers or coupons when you buy?
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at 9:32 PM