Joint Admission Test to M.Sc. (JAM),2007 will be conducted for admission to M.Sc. & other Post B.Sc. Programmes at IITs – Kharagpur, Guwahati,
Organising IIT Guwahati
Exam Details: JAM 2007 will have eight test papers namely Biotechnology, Chemistry Computer Applications, Geology, Geophysics, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematics and Physics, each of three hours duration. Bio-technology and Computer Applications test papers will be fully Objective-cum-Subjective type. A candidate can appear at the most in two test papers subject to the restrictions of test schedule, with additional fee for the second test paper.
Schedule of test papers: Chemistry(CH), Computer Application (CA), Geology (GG), Mathematical Statistic (MS), Physics (PH), [0900 hours to 1200 hours]
Biotechnology (BT), Geophysics (GP), Mathematics (MA) [1400 hrs to 1700 hrs]