Frequently asked questions and their replies:-
1. Candidates who could not get the printed applicant ion form.
Printed application form is not required by the Bank. It is not to be deposited.
2. Candidates who have registered ON-LINE.
Call letters have been despatched to all the registered candidates. In all probabilities, they will be getting the call letters by 30th June 2008.
3. Any enquiry site for those candidate who has registered on-line but could not get the call letters.
Those candidates who have registered on-line but could not get the call letters by 30th June 2008 may visit the website to get necessary information about his venue after entering their Registration ID, password and Date of Birth.
4. Candidates who have registered ON-LINE, but do not receive the call letters by 30th June 2008.
They should contact the Authorised Bank Officer for the Centre (City) where they have mentioned to write the test, alongwi th original Cash Deposi t (Challan) Receipt and Photo Identity Card. No documents need to be submitted.
5. Candidates who have deposited the cash through Challan on or before 31st May 2008 but could not register on-line.
They should contact the Authorised Bank Officer for the Centre (City) where they have mentioned to write the test , alongwith original Cash Deposit (Challan) Receipt, Photo Identity Card and proof of having requisite qualification. They will have to fill an application form to be provided to them by the Authorised Bank Officer.
6. Contact details of the Designated Bank Officer.
Contact details of the Authorised Bank Officer is given at the end of this communication.
7. Change in Centre allocated for any reason.
Centre has been filled in by the candidates, AS SUCH NO REQUEST FOR CHANGE IN VENUE WILL BE ENTERTAINED.
8. Candidates who have received more than one call letter.
Candidate should check the details on the call letters and whichever they found to be correct they should put that call letter on top and staple all other call letters with it. Photograph of the candidate should be pasted on the call letter on top and hand over the same to the Invigilator in the examination venue.
9. Documents required at the examination Centre
10. In case candidate do not have Call Letter with photograph affixed on it &/or Original Cash Deposit (Challan) Receipt or have misplaced them.
SUCH CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WRITE THE WRITTEN TEST AND WILL BE TURNED BACK. Both the documents are MUST for appearing in the written examination.
11. Fee remitted Rs 50/- instead of Rs 250/- or vice versa
Candidature of General and OBC category candidates will be rejected. In case of SC/ST/PWD/ XS candidates, their candidature will remain valid.
11. In case Caste, Date of Birth etc., except that at below, is wrongly mentioned in the application/call letter.
Candidates should inform such correct ions by email on In case information relating to Caste, Date of Birth etc. is incorrect ly mentioned in the call letter, then in addition to e-mail, candidate should correct it by writing the correct one on the call letter itself , attendance sheet and also in the answer sheet.
12. Name of the candidate typed in the application wrongly
(instead of candidate’s name, father, mother or siblings name has been mentioned Candidates should inform such correct ions by email on In addit ion to the e-mail, candidate should correct it by writ ing the correct one on the call letter itself, attendance sheet and also in the answer sheet . In such cases, candidate should produce photo ID proof alongwith self attested photocopy thereof.
Monday, June 30, 2008
SBI Recruitment of Clerical Staff : Frequently asked questions
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10:03 AM